Friday, May 02, 2008

Kristie and I made it back from our vacation, to knee high grass. It must have rained a lot while we were gone. In the few days since we returned things have been, well ….wild.

First there is the whole jet lag thing. Then there is the fact that we always need vacation after our vacations. We go at it hard. So we were tired. Then both of us caught colds in California and honestly we have been nearly whipped. About all we felt like doing after a couple days catching up on work, weeding out and answering emails, phone calls and trying to unpack was collapse on the couch in the evening.

Since we returned we’ve been faced with sad news …a lot.

One of Kristie’s key employees brother passed away on this week. On the next night a good friend of our lost his father to cancer. Then the very next day another worker in Kris’ office has a death of her Aunt. Three visits to the funeral home in three nights. We are now on a first name basis with the staff there. They say these things come in threes. I hope that is all for a while.

Please remember these families as you pray.

1 comment:

CrimeSceneFairy said...

aww i'm sorry about all that. :-(