LOCAL "Dumb Crook" News
This, actually happened in my city. Isn't it great how sometimes reality is more funny than fiction?
Story set-up
A local man who already had one brush with law found himself in compounded trouble. This past June he was arrested after being seen riding a stolen scooter. When deputies tried to stop him he abandoned the motor bike and fled. The officers caught him in a foot chase he was arrested for the bike and also charged with having two bags of methamphetamines. $1991 was also seized from the suspect and held as evidence.
Here is the "Dumb Crook" part
This week the man drove to the Sheriff’s Office, went inside and demanded the $1,991 be returned. The officials refused and the man left. As he walked outside an officer noticed him get behind the wheel of a bright red Saab convertible. Why was that important? You see the Saab had been reported stolen just the evening before. So deputies once again had to be fleet of foot as they rushed to catch him. Indeed he was driving the car with “a screwdriver into the ignition switch”. So he was arrested again, this time for stealing the car. He was also charged with driving on a suspended license and with a tag violation.
Let's sum this up.
1. Arrested for stealing a scooter
2. Fleeing arrest
3. Possession of a large quantity of drugs
1. He steals a flashy car
2. Drives to the police and argues about his money
3. Gets in his "HOT" car and tries once again to flee.
Only in Anderson do you drive a stolen car to the Sheriff's Office and argue, then make demands.
Bright Bulb this one
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