Friday, July 13, 2007

Today is friday the 13th.

A day full of danger and fear. Ok it's just a silly superstition. It's a funny source of amusement more than anything else. We all make jokes about Friday the 13th and kiddingly instruct everyone to use greater caution.
Still there are some who allow their fears to prevent them from engaging in activities, people who suffer from the phoebia Triskaidekaphobia or fear of the number thirteen.
Why is Friday regarded as bad luck — some theories link it to Christian events such as the Crucifixion.

Friday was alluded to as bad as far back as the late 14th century in the Canterbury Tales("And on a Friday fell all this is chance"), but most references generally start around the mid-17th century:

* "Now Friday came, you old wives say, Of all the week's the unluckiest day." (1656)

* Beginning a sea voyage: "Sailors are many of them superstitious . . . A voyage begun [on a Friday] is sure to be an unfortunate one." (1823)

* Getting married: "As to Friday, a couple married on that day are doomed to a cat-and-dog life." (1879)

* Starting a new job: "Servants who go into their situations on Friday, never go to stay." (1923)

The reason behind the number thirteen is similarly obscure. There are many different sources, the most common stemming from, the Last Supper, at which Judas Iscariot was said to have been the thirteenth guest to sit at the table.

* "The old story runs, that the last individual of the thirteen who takes a seat has the greatest chance of being the 'doomed one'." (1839)

By the late 19th century the superstition surrounding thirteen had become even more general, with people going out of their ways to avoid anything designated by the number thirteen, such as hotel rooms.

Once again this was avoided by renumbering of rooms in hotels, and misnumbering the floors above the 12th floor in multi-story buildings so that the 13th floor became the 14th floors.

I do not believe in Luck good or bad in the traditional way. I do believe in random events that can be shaped by actions of self and others ( in that we make our own luck )

I hope you have a great day today and get a kick out the jokes.

But please don't think it serious.

1 comment:

Rita Loca said...

LOL!. I posted a video landing in the jungle and thought you might enjoy it.