Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I think it turned out well enough in the end.

Though it was almost a disaster.

Kristie said that in light of her work schedule she'd rather stay at home for her birthday dinner and grill steaks. ( Bless her, what a great-godly woman. )

About halfway through the cooking I was going to move the grill, just a little, maybe two feet so I could see it better from the shade. After all it was One Hundred fifty-eight out there. When I reached over and started to move it the wheel BROKE OFF . We have a fairly nice 6-7 year old mid priced gas grill with two wheels on one end. The wheels are made of hard plastic.
Guess what happens to plastic after time. Dry rot. The wheel, which looked fine just shattered and crumbled. And the grill started falling. Remember the fire was hot. I was lucky that the wooden shelf on the end was strong. I grabbed the end and held up the grill while pondering what to do. I was home alone at the time. Luckly the MacGyver in me kicked in. I saw metal soup can that catches the drippings and yanked it off the hanger and used that to prop the grill up temporarily while I searched for a safer solution. In my great pile of stuff in the garage ( a guy thing ) I found a block of wood just the right size.

And the steaks turned out fantastic.

Gotta figure out a new set of wheels now.

1 comment:

Rita Loca said...

Adapt! Improvise! And Overcome!