Thursday, June 19, 2008

It's audit time at Anderson University. Kristie is once again working insane hours getting things ready.

Here is a photo of her hard at work this morning. Her Audit Face!



Rita Loca said...

Good drawing!

Rita Loca said...

BTW, There's nothing happening here either! Are you a Star trek fan?????

CrimeSceneFairy said...

Was that edited in MS Paint?
What's an audit...?

Charles said...

No it is an old fashion hand drawing. Kristie did it herself at her desk while on the phone.

My wife Kristie is an Accountant and works for Anderson University. In this case an audit is an inspection of the books and a review of all the financial matters by an outside company. Everything must balance and match. And things have to be done in very controlled ways which also get reviewed. It's a big deal lasting several weeks. EVERY YEAR

BTW There are no stupid questions.

CrimeSceneFairy said...

sounds fun!