Wednesday, August 01, 2007

10 great business books:

  1. Bible : All the advice, guidance and ethics you'll ever need.
  2. How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie : A Classic ! ! a hands down best
  3. Small Is Beautiful by E.F. Schumacher : Interesting vision for empowerment of your staff
  4. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill: Brains rule
  5. The Art of War by Sun Tzu : Learn and adapt
  6. Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude by Napoleon Hill & Clement Stone : A must
  7. Greatest Salesman In The World by Og Mandino: We all sale something, product or just self.
  8. Moments of Truth by Jan Carlzon : Customer driven business advice from the CEO of S.A.S. Airlines
  9. The Power in Money Dynamics by Venita VanCaspel : Don't spend, save or invest without it.
  10. World Almanac : Filled with every day vital info
Bonus : Dare To Succeed - A Treasury of Inspiration and Wisdom for Life & Career: Given to me by a business friend is priceless for everyone over 15 in your home.

YES that is a scan of my 1936 first edition copy of Dale Carnegie's greatest.

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