Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I just read where they are going to open a Medical Clinic in Bilo. I am thinking do we really want to buy our food in a place filled with sick people? Do you really want treatment from a doctor who takes the bonus card? Studies have shown that a shopping cart is one of the most germ covered places on earth, disgusting. Now this. I am just coming to terms with the handy wipes before using the buggy. I understand the the grocery chains are under more pressure than in the past, and I know the need to show a profit. What's next.. Funeral services?

Yes I know sick people come in, and more so since they got a pharmacy. But I can cling the the illusion that the child with Whooping cough stayed home in bed under the watchful eye of mom while dad came to get their prescription filled. Now you KNOW they and everyone else are spreading their airborne infections. Do I really want my produce selection to be in the checkout with the guy with creeping death fungus all over him?
Gross !!

Banks are enough, how else can we float the loan to cover the rise in milk prices?

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