Friday, October 13, 2006

The second half of this week has been quieter, at least for me. Tonight we went to the movies.
"The Guardian" staring Kevin Costner and Ashton Kutcher who give great performances. They play as fictional helicopter rescue swimmers. I can't imagine how hard it must be to graduate from the USCG helicopter rescue school and do the things they do when they take part in real rescues. It was a very good movie. Very well done. Fantastic FX. Kevin Costner is aging well and is very good, very real, and I had no idea Ashton Kutcher could act in a dramatic role like this.

A lot of good movies are coming soon. Time for me and Joel to get back to going to a few.

Tomorrow is UGA football on Fox TV at noon so you know where I'll be.
Go Dawgs!!!!!!

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