Tuesday, October 13, 2009

It’s here!!!

I know you have all been waiting, having trouble sleeping from the excited anticipation. Well you can rest easy now. It has returned. What you ask? Why my return to blogging of course.

I had planned for it to be a short break. A few weeks at the most. But since I can’t always predict the events and trends that shape my world, the break grew into months. As much as I missed blogging, the distractions and events of my world made my plans unpredictable.

Catching up:

Any one who reads this blog very likely knows me, and likely knows who I am. I am still the same guy, living in the same place. More than ever I am still madly in love with the most beautiful woman in the world, my bride. I’m thankful for her every day. You can still find me sneaking over to the airport every free moment, flying my plane, talking to the other “Airport Bums” and begging a ride. Hanging out there, while drinking way too much coffee is a habit I am not likely to break.

But most importantly, I am a radical Christ follower, who belongs to an on-fire church that believes in making Jesus famous so that lives can be changed.

The changes and events of past few months can be summed up simply by saying,

"Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose." French novelist Alphonse Karr (1808-90)
("The more things change, the more they stay the same")

What to Expect:

I started this blog as a daily or at least a semi-regular diary of the thoughts and events around me.
I am NOT a writer (as any one who reads this will attest.) But I do have a good time.

I can NOT promise you any profound revelations, or world changing ideas. I won’t promise to always spell correctly, use proper grammar or even compose complete sentences. I assure you typos abound in my work.

But maybe once in a while I’ll post something amusing, causing a small smile and maybe sooner or later something I write will make you say hmmm.

Thanks for reading and please feel free to post comments any time.

Until the next entry …

Where did I put my coffee cup?


Rita Loca said...

I have always enjoyed your posts. I am not even sure how I found your blog...

Jane said...

Jungle Mom...i think it was from my blog. which has taken a serious break.
love the French quote.

CrimeSceneFairy said...

Yaaay Charles! You're back!!
i changed my name. i dont think you remember me
We had a snowball fight last year... :)
I won, of course :)

Danny Nelson said...

Welcome back Charles.

You can use twitterfeed.com to automate posting links to your new blog posts to twitter, and subsequently FB since you use the FB twitter app. It'll help us keep up with your goings on.

Danny Nelson said...

you know what? i just checked your twitter account and i see that you already found twitterfeed. never mind.

Charles said...

Jungle Mom, Yes I did find you first from Jane-Jane's blog. I guess after my silly comments you drifted to the source.

Jane, how was vacation? Your blog has been quiet long enough too. hint hint

Zazzamarandabo, Absolutely I remember you ( you are a favorite read ) I still keep-up with your postings and twitters.

Danny, The whole thing is your fault. BTW I miss the Life and Times blog. Also the "Rock" should get into blogging.