Friday, November 17, 2006

Third of three parts:

Filmed with the same flair as all Bond films with exotic locals and beautiful people this movie stand up to any other Bond films as well as to other recent "spy type" movies like the Bourne trilogy. There was a good crowd at the first showing and a great crowd tonight. This Bond look like it may do well. They have enough faith that filming has already began on the next one. Can't wait.

I did not write much this week, because not a lot has happened. The Car is out of the shop, but the truck is in. New clutch needed. May get it back Monday. If I can afford it. Amy was offered and has accepted a new job. I'll have more on that later I think. They are in the mountains this weekend, but should be home in time for homegroup. I will not likely see them myself cause I am working production this Sunday. We met them for supper last night in of all places Statons. It was good, but I can still smell it in my clothing.

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