Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I thank God for NewSpring, and for the people who are not afraid to step out of that comfort zone and do what God said. I am thankful God led me there and surrounded me with people like this. God is doing some amazing things through and around NewSpring. I am so happy I am part of that. And can't wait to see what is next. I just pray that everyday all of us will seek God's input in whatever we do. And I hope we do not fall into that trap of sitting in our comfort zones and planning to suit us. I pray we never confine God to a box. Are we thinking large enough with our plans at NewSpring? I hope NOT !! I've seen us go from the low hundreds every week to 8500 and growing.
It did not take long. God's moving is so obvious. Are we building big enough. NO !! I don't think so. Because if we are then we've push God out of the picture. With him in control NOTHING is impossible. I hope that by the time our team is finished with the planning on our new additions, we will have grown so far past it we have to scale up many times just to break even with last year. We are doubling so often. We will continue at an overwhelming rate. Overwhelming from mans point of view. But not God's . Every effort for God will continue to be returned 10 fold to us and to this community. We are changing the Upstate and the world is waiting. Thank you God for a church that is staying focused on you. I pray we always will be. I can't wait!

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