Friday, December 01, 2006

Joel called this afternoon and ask if I could help him move a few things. I met him at the house where he had a small trailer hooked up and ready to go. We loaded the trailer and took the stuff to the new place. Did not even break anything. Can you believe it?

Finally got around to watching Man on Fire with Denzel Washington. I was disappointed. This movie had moments, but was poorly done. Mostly I blame that on the director Tony Scott, and his herky jerky camera / editing style. It seemed cheap. For their parts Denzel and Dakota Fanning were very good, as was Christopher Walken. Tony Scott just mismanaged the rhythm and look of the film. I really like Denzel, and Dakota is
the best child actor I've ever seen. I mean look at I Am Sam. It was good seeing Christopher Walken play the nice guy for a change, with him you always get the best. It is a shame, because stars like these deserve better.

FYI : I've discovered a new flavor of ice cream

Breyers Very Chocolate Cherry.

YUM x 10.

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