Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What is on my Ipod this week?

I generally don't do tracks or mix cd's each of these are complete cd's

In no particular order

  1. Jars of Clay: If I left the Zoo
  2. Switchfoot: Hello Hurricane
  3. Mercy Me: Almost There
  4. Stryper: Murder By Pride
  5. Jethro Tull.: J-Tull dot Com
  6. Robert Simon: Latin Passion
  7. Randall Bramblett: Meantime
  8. Marillion: Los Trios
  9. The Mulberry Purple: The Mulberry Purple
  10. Creed: Full Circle
  11. Rodney Crowell: Fates Right Hand
  12. Saga : Human Condition
  13. Todd Fields: Todd Fields
  14. Scott Mosher: Deep Horizon
  15. Joe Satraini: Surfing with the Alien ( unofficial artist of A-control)
What is on yours?

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