Sunday, May 27, 2007

Just a couple weeks over eighteen years ago, I got a phone call one night. "What are you doing?" my sister started the same way she has started thousands of calls before and since. " Nothing much" I replied. The she says, actually I am here in Athens having my baby. " WHAT " I almost yelled. Yes I am in delivery room, I started my labor and they are getting me ready. My sister and I have never had a short phone conversation, and we continued to talk almost until the actual delivery. We hung-up and I jumped into the car to hurrying to meet my first nephew.

Kevin's high school graduation was Saturday in Athens at the University of Georgia arena.

They hold the local high school ceremonies there all on the same day. Kevin's OCHS was first at 9:45.

Kristie and I got up at 6 am to make the trip. After all it only happens once. And Kevo was an honors grad at that. I have no illusions. On that count he did not take after me. I was NHS ( National HillBilly Society )

After the graduation and countless photographs we all headed back to his house where all his Aunts, Uncles, their families, grandparents, and a group of his friends gathered for a big cook-out.

Kevin was the perfect guest of honor spending time equally with everyone. But what he had told me and his mom he really wanted to do most was for me and him to slip out and go see Pirates. It is a tradition for us. The first movie he and I ever went to together when he was a small child was Muppet Treasure Island. A Pirate movie. And naturally we have seen the Pirate's of the Caribbean flicks together several times each.

One of Kevin best friends out lasted most everyone else so late in the afternoon when most of the family had gone home the three of us indeed slipped off to see Captain Jack. Honestly, I am honored that two teenaged boys would let them selves be seen with Kevin's aged old uncle. And seen we were. Of the near 250 people in the theater I think 200 of them must have been his friends. Everyone was running up and wishing happy graduation. And one very cute girl, almost knocked Kevin down in her rush to hug him. ( maybe he takes after me in that...yeah sure )

Congrats Kevo,

Man you are one cool nephew and I hope we can spend a lot of time together this summer. You do know how to get to the airport at Winder don't you?

1 comment:

Jane said...

what an awesome relationship you guys have. My first nephew is going to be 20 (!) in August... I can't believe it! I saw him 15 minutes after he was born... how awesome that was. Nephews and nieces are very special to Jack and I too.