Friday, June 22, 2007

Did yesterday seem extra long and hard ?

Fear not it was.

The 21st is the longest day of the year.
Summer solstice is when Earth's axis tilts the most toward causing
the Sun to be farthest north at noon. The name is derived from Latin sol (sun) and sistere (to stand still, ) because at the time of solstice the the Sun appears to stands still. Its movement north or south is minimal. That happened this year at exactly 6:06 pm yesterday

Many cultures celebrate summer solstices. In Fairbanks the play a professional baseball game at midnight without lights because it never gets totally dark this time of year there. I can personally testify to that . But my favorite is in Iceland. Where they hold a big festival and street parties, complete with ice carvings and polar bear swims and related events. Ironically, it's usually still cold and even snowing when the celebration is held.

What did you do that was exciting?

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